This issue

The Fix
The fix is pretty easy. If you look at the properties of the shortcut, it points to an executable file QBW32Pro.exe. But if you look in the Task Manager when QB is running, you will see that the file QBW32.exe is actually running. So, presumably, when QBW32Pro.exe is launched, it does something and eventually launches QBW32.exe. What that something is, I don't know. But, knowing QuickBooks, it is probably something I don't care about. Possibilites: looking to see if an instance is already running, checking to see if there are multiple versions of the program installed or possibly just a way of enforcing the particular version. So, I just browsed to the folder where the QBW32.exe lives (C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks 2011 for me) and created a TaskBar shortcut for that file and removed the one for QBW32Pro.exe. It works fine. Whatever QBW32Pro.exe is doing before it launches QBW32.exe doesn't seem to be necessary on my machine. Your results may vary.
Yeah. Quickbooks is full of fun. . . Just had some interesting behavior on a network install on 2 stations. Same install, same disk, machine 2 complained that the company file that was upgraded on machine 1 must have been a newer version! Updated both with the latest patches from the web and fixed that.
THANKS, that was bugging me.
So much better, thank you! Saves me the trouble of accidentally clicking on the pinned shortcut when QB was already open, causing headaches.
I have QB15 on Win8.1 and this is STILL a problem. Your fix helped. Many thanks!
I have QB16 on Win10 and this is STILL a problem. Your fix helped. It had been really annoying - many thanks!
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